Oblates of Shantivanam
Ashram, also known as Shantivanam, is part of the Benedictine
Camaldolese Congregation. The ashram community is made up of a resident
community and an oblate community of women and men who live in many
places in the world and who associate their lives with Shantivanam. For
details please visit the Oblates website:
The Prior of Shantivanam. Fr Dorathick, writes:
“Oblates of Shantivanam can be, lay or ordained, who, committed to the living of their faith and continuing to live their state in life, desire to make their own the values expressed by Shantivanam Ashram. It can be individuals or families who have associated themselves with the Shantivanam Ashram community to enrich and enlighten their spiritual life. Oblates shape their lives by living the wisdom of Christ and seek God in the spiritual tradition of Shantivanam Ashram: Fr. Jules Monchanin (Swami Parama Arubiananda), Fr. Henry Le Saux (Swami Abhishiktananda), and Fr Bede Griffiths (Swami Dayananda). By integrating their prayer and work, they manifest God’s presence in the place wherever they live and live for the wellbeing and harmony of all in the Universe. Oblates embrace values of Indian spirituality and Christian spirituality, such as Lectio Divina, spending time for daily meditation on the Sacred Scriptures; Bible, Upanishads and other sacred texts, cultivating an awareness of the presence of God in prayer, silence, meditation, and contemplation, inter-religious dialogues and by practicing they grow in the love of God and neighbour”.
Friends of Shantivanam
Fr Dorathick writes:
“The ashram has always balanced its spiritual mission with a strong social dimension, but rarely speaks publically about the many projects in local villages that have been supported over many decades. We support children, the elderly and infirm, labourers in debt, girls needing marriage, families needing homes. Over over the years more than 500 homes have been built and given to poor families The ashram support thousands of children in the villages nearby with books and supplementary items to help in their education.. There are so many cases when people need medical help or help of one kind or another. We are always there for them. And we want to continue this in addition to sustaining our ashram. Training projects and workers cooperatives have been initiated. In addition the ashram seeks to improve the living conditions for guests”.
Friends of Shantivanam make regular financial donations to support these valuable projects and the people who benefit from them. If you would like to consider being a Friend please click here for more information.
UK taxpayers can make sure that their donations are enhanced through gift aid by donating through the Bede Griffiths Charitable Trust which is a UK Registered Charity established to support social work projects in the villages around the ashram.
To read a message from Fr Dorathick, the Prior of Shantivanam, on what it means to be an oblate and/or a Friend of Shantivanam please click here.