The Story of Saghet: A Sage and a Prophet
The New Evangelisation by Brother John Martin Sahajananda
The Story of Saghet: A Sage and a Prophet
Two thousand years ago there was a great sage and a prophet. His name was Saghet (the first three letters of Sage and the last three letters of Prophet). He realized that his inner self was one with the divine and with the whole of creation. In this awareness, he also realized that every human being has the same possibility of discovering this awareness. It was good news for him and for everyone and for the whole of creation. This realisation gave him the mission to proclaim this truth, this good news to everyone, to the whole of creation and invite everyone to discover this good news and proclaim it to the whole of creation. His mission was to proclaim the good news to the whole of creation; to make everyone free; and to free people from all oppressive structures: social, religious, political, economic and ecological.
Saghet said:
I am the light of the world.
You are the light of the world.
I am the salt of the earth.
You are the salt of the earth.
I give meaning to the world and I do not receive meaning from the world.
Give meaning to the world and you do not receive meaning from the world.
I am the light to myself.
Be a light unto yourself.
I am the way, the truth and the life.
You are the way, the truth and the life.
Truth will make you free.
Seek the truth.
My true self and the Father (God) are ultimately one
Your true self and the Father (God) are ultimately one.
I am the whole of creation
You are the whole of creation.
I have broken all boundaries and I see one God, one creation and one humanity.
Break all boundaries and see one God, one creation and one humanity.
I have grown into the fullness of God’s love and manifest that love in the fullness of the love of all creation.
Grow into the fullness of God’s love and manifest that love in the fullness of the love of all creation.
I have transformed Time into the vehicle of eternity and I manifest eternity now.
Transform Time into the vehicle of eternity and manifest eternity now.
I transformed my life into God’s life and my actions into God’s actions.
Transform your life into God’s life and your actions into God’s actions.
Whatever I do to others, I do to myself. There are no others.
Whatever you do to others, you do to yourself. There are no others.
I wash your feet, which means helping you to become aware of your dignity.
Wash each other’s feet and help everyone to realize their dignity.
I live a first-hand and original human existence.
You must live a first-hand and original human existence.
I don’t want to reduce anyone to a second-hand human being, to be a follower.
You should not reduce anyone into a second-hand human being, to being followers.
I do not call anyone my servants or my disciples but my friends
Do not call anyone your servants or disciples, but Friends.
Repent: realize this truth.
Saghet invited everyone to realize this truth, but this message was considered blasphemous by his religious leaders who brought it to the notice of the political leader who ordered that Saghet be put to death by crucifixion. After his death he appeared to his disappointed disciples and reignited their commitment.
His close disciples interpreted his message in the light of his appearance or resurrection and that became their central message. His original message was diluted and interpreted differently. It was probably hard for them to imagine that what Saghet had realised was a possibility for them as well. No one should blame them for their understanding. They interpreted Sanghet’s message in the light of their own needs and understandings and so they proclaimed”
Saghet is the only light of the world, follow that light.
Saghet is the only way, the truth and the life; follow that way, that truth and that life.
Saghet is the only one who can say that the Father and I are one, believe in that.
Saghet is the only one who lived a first-hand human existence, imitate him.
Saghet is the only truth, only he can make you free, obey him.
Repent: believe in Saghet, become his disciple, feel sorry for your sins, accept Saghet as your saviour and become a Saghetian.
So his disciples did not proclaim the full truth of Saghet, but only a half truth. They became missionaries and spread this message everywhere and sometimes: in some places, they even forced it on others with violence.
Saghet’s life, his death on the cross, his appearance or resurrection and his message presented by his disciples attracted many believers and they all became Saghetians. So, there were billions of Saghetians.
After two thousand years, Saghet returned to see how his message was received and whether it had made people free.
He was surprised and even shocked to see that billions of people calling themselves Saghetians. He felt very sad. What happened? he asked to himself.
I proclaimed the message of freedom and I wanted people to realize their dignity and become free like me and say like me: I am the way, the truth and the life. I wanted everyone to be a light unto himself or herself and live a first-hand and original human existence but they all are saying: Saghet is the light of the world, Saghet is the only way, the truth and the life. Saghet is the only one who can say that his true self and God are one. Saghet is the only true saviour and people need to believe in him and accept him as their saviour.
They have all become my colonies. They have all become second-hand human beings. My mission was to proclaim the good news of freedom. My mission was to be a spiritual liberator. But unfortunately, my good news of freedom has been turned into bad news of submission, obedience and belief. I am presented as a spiritual colonizer who demands the submission of will and intellect. Everywhere spiritual colonies are forming in my name. This is the exact opposite of what I wanted. It makes me very sad, he told to himself.
He called all those who were proclaiming his message and said:
My friends, the message that you are proclaiming in my name is only half truth. What has been a possibility for me is a possibility for everyone. Anyone can realise what I have realised. Anyone can say what I said. By telling half-truth, you have turned my good news into bad news of submission, obedience and belief. You have transformed the spiritual liberator into the spiritual colonizer. You have created spiritual colonies in my name everywhere and you want to increase their numbers. You have created a gulf between me and others. You have created a spiritual apartheid between me and others. You have corrupted my Truth with power and control. You have created divisions in the world in my name: Saghetians and non-Saghetians. In this way you have done injustice to me and to my message.
My friends, proclaim the full truth and then it will transform the bad news of submission and obedience into the good news of freedom. it will transform the spiritual colonizer into the spiritual liberator. It will declare freedom to all spiritual colonies. It will bridge the gap between me and others. It will abolish spiritual apartheid between me and others. It will remove the corruption of power and control in the individuals and institutions established in my name. It will remove all divisions and will create one God, one creation and one humanity.
No one should say, “I am a Saghetian”. No one should say that Saghet is the only way, the truth and the life. You must help everyone to discover their dignity, their freedom and their originality and say like me: I am the way, the truth and the life. This will create a world of unity and peace. This will create a world of freedom, equality and universal brotherhood. It will liberate people from all oppressive structures: political, religious, social, economic, regional and ecological. It will usher in a new heaven (God) and a new earth (creation), a new humanity.
First, his listeners were surprised and shocked to hear this. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
One of them said: Master, are you saying that we have been wrong for two thousand years? Saghet replied: my friend, yes, unfortunately but understandably, but not completely. You were wrong only in presenting that my realisation, my experience and my statements were only valid for me and not for everyone. Maybe it was my mistake not to explain it to you clearly. Perhaps you did not understand it and interpreted it according to your abilities and needs. Even then you kept my name alive and brought it until now. I thank you and appreciate you for that. There is no need to worry about it. What has happened has happened. It is not necessary to look backwards. You need to look forward. You do not need to reject the half-truth but you need to fulfil it, by opening it to full truth. Transform the half-truth into a nest or into a womb that prepares people to grow into full truth. Just I had done and said: I have not come to abolish the Law and the prophets but to fulfil it. You need to fulfil the half-truth, not to abolish it
It seems that the way of evolution is that first it is colonization and then granting freedom. Those who are powerful colonize those who are powerless. This happens at all levels: political, economic, religious, social and ecological.
People seek freedom in all levels; social, political, economic, religious and ecogical. Deep atheism is the sign of demanding spiritual freedom from spiritual colonization.
Make my truth full and proclaim it again. This is the new evangelization, proclamation of the good news newly.
His listeners understood Saghet’s message and accepted that vision with joy. They returned to their places to proclaim the full truth of Saghet: the good news of joy, freedom, equality, unity, peace, universal brotherhood and love. It is the good news to the whole of creation.
This reminded his listeners of the exhortation of Saghet: “Go into the world and proclaim the good news to the whole of creation”.
Saghet was very happy and returned to his place with joy and satisfaction in his heart.