Beyond the experience of duality

The Universal Meaning of Christmas

The Universal Meaning of Christmas

The Time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the good news.

The whole message of Jesus Christ is contained in this one statement of Jesus. It means that with Jesus, time has been transformed and has become the ‘vehicle of eternity’. With Jesus the purpose of time becomes the manifestation of eternity in the present moment. In other words, the kingdom of God is here and now.

If Time is seen to seek its own continuity, as King Herod sought his own continuity by becoming the murderer of innocent children, it kills the present which then can have no life of its own. For when Time becomes only a ‘vehicle of the past’ as it moves into the future, it kills the present and kills Life which can only live in the present.

When Time becomes the ‘vehicle for eternity’, it can be likened to the Virgin Mary, who represents time (that is, the past) opening to eternity. The Virgin Mary gives birth to eternity: she gives life to the present and the present then become free from the past. Time becomes original and creative. When Time becomes open to eternity it declares; “I am the way, the truth and the life”. With King Herod Time took the wrong path, whereas with the Virgin Mary Time is fulfilled, reaching its ultimate destiny to be the vehicle of eternity, the kingdom of God.

Christmas is the celebration of the incarnation which is the birth of eternity in time. The incarnation was only possible because a spiritual virgin directed time towards eternity and transformed time into the vehicle of eternity. To be a spiritual virgin is God’s call to the whole of creation. It is the purpose of evolution, the purpose of all religions and the calling of all individuals to become spiritual virgins.

In this way Christmas inaugurates a new vision, a new relationship between God and creation. It is the inauguration of New Heaven and New Earth (that is, a New Creation). Jesus Christ became a spiritual virgin and transformed time into the vehicle of eternity, the kingdom of God. He declared: “…the Time is fulfilled. The kingdom of God is here and now. Repent and transform Time into the vehicle of eternity”.

A Parable of Time

One day Time asked for an appointment with God and as Time entered God’s chamber, God realised that Time was very upset and sad. God asked, “Time, what happened. Why are you so sad and upset?” Time replied: “O God, how can I not be sad and upset for I am burdened with impossible demands and tremendous guilt”.

God then asked Time, “Please explain what you mean”. Time replied, “Your majesty, some say that I am the product of ignorance, sin, desire and binding actions. I am the cause of bondage and suffering. They want to escape from me into freedom or liberation and never enter into me again”.

Time went on, “There are some who say that I am the product of sin, the original sin which needs to be removed for salvation. They want me to make them perfect. They want me to take them to eternity. But how can I make them perfect as there is no perfection in Time? How can I take them to eternity as eternity cannot be reached through Time?”

Some say that their birth is just a random event, and their death is just a random disappearance. They say there is no real purpose, and that life is meaningless. They claim that everyone has to create his own or her own meaning, saying “there was nothing before me and there will be nothing after me.”

Time went on, “In this way I carry these burdens of sin and guilt, meaninglessness and impossible demands of making people perfect and taking them to eternity. Please, O God, tell me, why did you create me?”

God replied, “Time I am very sorry. You are not original sin. You are not the product of ignorance, desire and binding actions. I did not create you to make people perfect. I did not create you to take people to eternity. I created you to evolve and transform yourself as my vehicle. Your vocation or purpose is to manifest Eternity in Time, here and now. It is to manifest infinite divine attributes in Time and Space, in relationships. You are not for ‘becoming’ but you are for ‘unfolding’ divine life in each moment. In this way you will not carry the burdens of the past and or burdens from the future, and you will have energy to manifest the divine in the present, to live in the present moment. Humanity has not realised your real purpose and taken it all in the wrong direction. Humanity has filled you with sin, guilt, meaninglessness, bondage, suffering and impossible burdens. I shall send my incarnation who will reveal to humanity your real purpose and free you from all your burdens. You can now go in peace”.

Time thanked God and left God with peace in its heart.

The message of Christmas is this message of the fulfilment of Time, revealing the real purpose of Time. Thanks to a spiritual virgin who cooperated with God to facilitate this transformation, who facilitated the birth of eternity. When eternity was born, the angels appeared and sang: Glory to God in the highest and peace to the people who open to eternity.